Welcome Back!
Welcome Back! is a comedy, variety show created by Joseph Demaree and friends that aired on CreaTV in San Jose CA 2010-2011. Welcome Back!'s host's Dorris and The Poon take the viewer on a psychedelic roller coaster of goofball jokes and disturbing realities. Inside of the meaning of the meaning an artistic perspective slips on philosophical buffoonery. Entertaining entertainment! The show landed Joe on the cover of the San Jose Metro newspaper with the caption "Worst Show On TV!". Demaree, Muller & O’Donnell knew they were definitely making progress. http://www.metroactive.com/features/joe-demaree.html
Episode 23: Communication
Episode 25: The Games We Play
Episode 17: Mirage
Interview with Jason Biggers
Episode 24: Power Of The Mind
Episode 26: Behind The Curtain
Episode 27: Placing Placement