May 19 Art & Music Show in San Jose CA!
Tomorrow at The Fun House, I'm having an art and music show:)! This show will have many artworks that I've made throughout my life. A retrospective if you will. I'll be playing music as THE GREAT SMOKING MIRROR! Mid-Morning Riser will also be playing and Bob Schmelzer from Circle-A Skateboards will be spinning vinyl as DJBS does best!!! So come out to Dave Nelson's house and party with us. There's a half pipe so bring your sk8 board and anything else you would like to bring. My artwork is ready to find new homes so all reasonable offers will be accepted. As I will be living on the road for awhile, it is time to downsize. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow SJ.
If you haven't checked out my indiegogo page, check it out and help fuel this inspiration across the USA.